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Last Updated on August 30, 2021


“Creativity requires interdisciplinary knowledge. My goal as a designer is to be part of a larger conversation. The more people with various abilities are involved, the more substantial a creation becomes.”

Work | Motion

Through my many years as an art director & motion designer for demanding and complex projects, I bring with me sound experience in the fields of graphic design, film and storytelling.


“Nowadays pictures have an enormous social value. As visual creators we must face this fact with a sense of responsibility. An elaborate visualization may help breach communication gaps, thereby fostering understanding or change perception.”

Teaching | University

Curriculum Development and Lectures for interdisciplinary Motion Design modules – at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Teaching | Basic trainer

Switzerland’s dual-track apprenticeship system is unique. The education of future designers shouldn’t rest solely on university degree students. At frame eleven I am responsible for mentoring our next generation.


“Everything you do as a professional aims to accomplish efficiency. As an artist you want the opposite of that.”

Art | Images

My obsession with pens is untamable. Here some results of this enthusiasm.

Art | Filmography

Independent Filmmaking is one of my greatest passions.